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How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin At Home - Effective Tips

How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin At Home - Effective Tips

We love having a clean, bright face with no trace of blemishes but, alas, we put our hands to our heads when the dreaded glitters appear in the T zone. At that moment you already give up all the effort you have put in to going outside perfectly. This is one of the main aesthetic concerns of all those who suffer from oily skin. If this is your case, do not despair. We bring you some tricks that although they will not be able to stop the sebum production process, they can control it.

Deep cleaning
This step is vital to prevent sebum from accumulating and clogging the pores. Ideally, you should do your facial cleansing twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. It is not convenient to exceed this amount since you run the risk of affecting the skin's mantle and dehydrating it, and it is also not beneficial to do it fewer times than recommended since the pores can become blocked.

Hydrate your skin
There is a false popular belief that oily skin does not need to be hydrated due to excess sebum. Nothing could be further from the truth. As with other types of skin, such as sensitive or mixed, hydration is a 'must' that serves to provide the face with the nutrients it needs. Thanks to the moisturizer, you enhance the maintenance of the skin's natural moisture, improve its oxygenation, and strengthen it against external agents. Of course, try to use those creams free of oils since they saturate the skin. Instead, go for fluids to balance out fat secretion.

Bet on the masks
We cannot neglect our daily beauty routine, even in the middle of winter, and with freezing temperatures. As we have already anticipated, cleaning face impurities daily is essential but it is not the only thing you need to put a stop to shine. Just as important is to apply a face mask twice a week to thoroughly clean excess sebum, remove traces of makeup, and kill dead cells.

And at night?
You already know that taking care of the skin at night is as important (or more) than during the day. And it is that, while we sleep, our dermis regenerates, and the products that we apply just before going to bed multiply its effects and increase its benefits. This point is especially relevant for all those who suffer from oily skin since it is more prone to sagging and the appearance of black spots and other imperfections.

The serum applied once or twice a week before your usual night cream will be your best ally in this battle. In addition, you can take advantage of the fact that oily skin is more resistant to the rest to carry out face-lifts at home and, in this way, prevent wrinkles and eliminate blemishes.


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