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How to Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Weeks

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Weeks

If your goal is to lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks, then I even have to congratulate you. Because Often I even have seen people aim for goals that aren't only unrealistic but also un-achievable. Before I offer you ideas and recommendations on the way to achieve your goals, I even have a few important things to suggest.

I highly recommend you to require a glance at your goals, does one want to lose 10 pounds of weight or Fat? Believe me, there's an enormous difference between both. If your goal is to reduce, then you'll easily drop water weight (which often comes back) or lose muscle mass (which is bad for long term). For this, all you would like to try to do is cut your carbs completely and do 30-40 minute cardio. Now, this is often what I don't suggest people to try to to.

Because often clients want well-toned body shape. they need to not only look great but also younger. which doesn't happen if you aim for losing weight. Instead, if you aim for losing fat, you will see miraculous changes in yourself. you will only be lighter, younger and more energetic. How this will accomplish? It's easy... Replace fat with muscles. in fact, women also can replace muscles with fat, they will not appear as if she-hulk. Women do not have enough testosterone to create that sort of muscle.

Don't forget 1 pound of muscle burn 50 calories each day and replace 10 pounds of fat with muscles will burn 500 calories each day without exercising.

Here is that the Ideal Fat Loss Mantra

Build Muscle with weight training + Low Carb diet (with loading /offloading) + Increased daily activity = Fat replaced by muscles

Low carb diet plan

First of all, I'm getting to ask you to eat clean. meaning, no food, no nutriment, no chocolates, no soda/colas, etc. Eating a lot more of veggies, fruits, dry fruits, protein sources on day today. I even have noticed the instant you pack up your diet like this, you begin dropping fat like its no body's business. Its because your body isn't originally meant to hold excess weight. the instant you modify your diet, your body many thanks and begin dropping weight to regain its wild.

In a low carb diet, I suggest you drop carbs up to 80 gms per day. Now, this is often not an Atkins plan, where you even drop up to 20 gms. I would like you to consume more carbs because carbs are the fuel for your body. Take at some point per week, where you'll take your carbs completely (i.e. 30% of your total calories). That'll help your metabolism (this is another article for a few other time, I won't explain why it works like that)

Building Muscles with weight training

In weight training, use free weights like dumbbells, barbells, kettle bells and body weight calisthenics. I like to recommend using all of those in your weekly workout circuit. For a starting, you'll use 2-day Full-body Strength training with barbells (lift heavy) and a couple of days just using body weight exercise and at some point per week using kettle bell exercises. Now you're understanding 5 days per week. None of your workouts should transcend 45 minutes.

For example, if you're using a barbell, then Use only these exercises - Squat, Dead lift, incline bench press, barbell rows, barbell clean and press, barbell curl. That's it. Chose any of the 5 exercises and workout with them.

If you work out like this, pack up your diet, you'll reduce. once I tried this type of routine, I lost 1.7 inches off my waist in 2 weeks. does one thing that made a big difference in how I looked? It did...


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