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How Do You Make Homemade Hand Sanitizer

How Do You Make Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Do you use hand sanitizer once you are out and about? I’m so happy to ascertain sanitizer so readily available once we are public places, but I always attempt to carry my homemade tea tree oil hand sanitizer to use instead.

Commercial hand sanitizer is great in theory, but most of them contain harsh chemicals that just dry out your skin creating cracks that successively allow viruses to penetrate your skin!
Another important fact about commercial hand sanitizer is that they aim to kill bacteria, which can be what it actually does, but it doesn’t kill viruses, which suggests the flu virus can still travel on your hands. Essential oils actually inhibit bacteria naturally!

This year the flu is so bad that in within the future"> at some point in the grade school alone there have been 100 kids out sick. consistent with the Centers for Disease Control, the flu is very contagious partly because it’s possible to pass the virus on before you become sick. you'll be infected by someone with the virus at some point before their symptoms start which is why it’s key to stay those germs cornered.

How to Make Hand Sanitizer with Tea Tree Oil


1 Tbsp. witch hazel extract
1 cup aloe Vera gel
30 drops tea tree essential oil
10 drops lavender essential oil
1 tsp. vitamin E oil


In a metal or glass bowl, mix the oils together.
Add witch hazel and blend again
Add aloe vera and blend to mix.
Using a funnel, which sometimes comes with the bottles, pours the mixture into a 4oz or 8oz bottle. Use a dark bottle to stay the essential oils from dehydration.
Shake gently before using it.

Use within 6 months

Fight COVID-19

Stay safe from catching a virus like the flu or Coronavirus by washing your hands for 20 seconds with warm water and soap, keep from touching your eyes and nose and place bottles of this homemade recipe in your car and home for quick use.



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